Building A Better HeartSecond Chance: artificial heartMilestones in artificial heart 1953, a heart-lung machine designed by Dr. John Gibbon is used in a successful open-heart surgery, demonstrating that an artificial device can temporarily mimic the functions of the heart 1955, a team of scientists led by Willem Kolff, tested their model in animals 1964, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute sets a goal of designing a total artificial heart by 19701966, Dr. Michael DeBakey of Houston successfully implants a partial artificial heart 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first successful human heart transplant. The patients, 53-year-old dentist Louis Washkansky, dies 18 days after surgery in South African In 1969, a team led by Denton Cooley of the Texas Heart Institute successfully kept a human patient alive for more than sixty hours with their model (temporary). The patient gets a heart transplant three days later but then dies 1 days afterward In 1982, a team led by William DeVries of the University of Utah implanted the Jarvik-7 into a patient named Barney Clark, who survived with Jarvik-7 for 112 days 1982-1985, Dr. William DeVries carries out a series of five implants of the Jarvik total artificial heart William Schroeder, lived 620 days, dying in August 1986 at age 54 1994, the Food and Drug Administration approves the Left Ventricular Assist Device, which helps failing hearts continue to function 2000, A man in Isreal becomes the first recipient of the Jarvik 2000, the first total artificial heart that can maintain blood flow in addition to generating a pulse 2001, doctors at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Ky., implant the first self-contained, mechanical heart replacement into a patient Two recipient: Robert Tools & Tom ChristersonRobert Jarvik He was born in Michigan on May 11, 1946 In 1964, his father became ill with heart disease and had to have open heart surgeryRobert Jarvik Jarvik became very interested in medicine at that point and began to think about possible designs for artificial hearts that could help people like his father He invented Jarvik-7 and Jarvik-2000Jarvik-7Jarvik 2000Prof. Willem J Kolff He was born in Leiden, Netherlands Graduated from the University of Leiden In 1955, he implanted an artificial heart into a dog Tutor of Dr. Robert Jarvik 1981, he applied to FDADr. William deVries An American cardiothoracic surgeon Receiving his MD degree from the University of Utah in 1970 As a resident in cardiovascular/ thoracic surgery at Duke University Medical Center Assistant professor of surgery at the University of Utah until 1984Dr. William deVries Since 1984, he has been director of the artificial heart project of the Humana Hospital Audubon in Louisville, Kentucky Performed the first successful permanent artificial heart implant for Barney Clark by using an artificial device designed by Dr. Robert JarvikDr. Barney Clark An 61year old retired dentist from Seattle First recipient of the man-made artificial heart on Dec 1, 1982 at the Utah Medical CenterDr. Barney Clark Six years before the transplant, he had contracted a mysterious viral infection, which made his cardiac muscle flabby, weak and swollen from a lack of blood flow Because of hypertension and his age, he was not an acceptable candidate at any heart transplantation centerDr. Barney Clark He was introduced by his private doctor to Dr. Willim DeVries The meeting included visits to laboratories where the Jarvik-7 was manufactured and the animal barn where they observed calves/sheep with similar heart implants He was given an 11-page consent form There was no guarantee that the operation would increase Clarks life span, no guarantee he would regain his independence Dr. Barney Clark The consent form stated “I recognize that if the artificial heart device fails, death or serious injury is the near certain result. I nevertheless accept the risk of substantial and serious harm, including death, implementation of the artificial heart device can be demonstratedDr. Barney Clark He signed a consent form on Nov 30, 1982 at 9:52 p.m after being interviewed by six members of a special heart subcommittee at University of Utah Medical Center The surgery was scheduled at the morning of Dec 2, 1982 However, he was immediately rushed into the operating room because of his deteriorating heart on Dec 1, 1982 at 10:30 p.m.Dr. Barney ClarkHe survived with Jarvik-7 for 112 days A serious of complication led to Clarks death from circulatory and multi-organ collapse on March 23 at 10:02 p.m.Two recipients of AbiCor artificial heart Robert Tools, first recipient of AbiCor artificial heart was died five months after implantation, 2001Two recipients of AbiCor artificial heartTom Christerson, second recipient of AbiCor artificial heart are still alive for more than one yearArtificial hearts abandoned By the end of the 80s, the Jarvik devices had been implanted to sustain patients waiting for transplants Since then, development of an improved