B2M4 Fine ArtsB2M4 Fine Arts25&26RowenaNew Wordsdelightful delighted delighttake delight in doing sthto ones delightwith delightWhat me most last night was that he was at the news.drawing draw drawerdraw drew drawnscene scenery view sightThe after the earthquake was horrible.The of this country is amazing.The of sunset was very beautiful.This summer Im going to see the historical of London.You can get a good of the city from hotel window.alive living live lively lovelyMary is such a girl.After the war, he remained .The will go on with the work of the dead.all things生物生物a reportXiamen is a city.observe observer observationI observed Lily dancing in the rain.Someone observed Mary enter the bank.Mary was observed to enter the bank.observe sb. doing sth看见某人看见某人正在正在干某事干某事observe sb. do sth.看见某人看见某人做了做了某事某事Do you observe Spring Festival?Many Chinese living in foreign countries still observe the traditional customs.庆祝庆祝遵守,遵循遵守,遵循in realityin fact as a matter of factadopt adoption adopted / / ones adviceAs we all know, Tom was adopted by his parents at an early age.aimn. vaim at doingaim to dostandn.货位,货位,摊位摊位v.忍受忍受stood,stood同义同义Reading2014.12.172014.12.17晚报纸测试晚报纸测试The Headmaster has made clear that the meeting will be put off.They havent made known where the meeting will be held.The party will be held in the garden, weather .A permittingB to permitC permittedD permitLanguage Pointsconsider认为认为考虑考虑consider.as/to be.be considered asconsider+that从句从句consider sth.consider doingWe consider this very important.We are (consider) (go)to Canada.With the old man (lead)the way, we got there in time.With all things (buy), she went home with delight.With a lot of work (do), he was unable to go home.Pop art was an important modern art movement to show ordinary twentieth-century city lifeThe government is taking measures, reducing unemployment by 50%.(aim)instead adv.代替,反而,却代替,反而,却单独单独用于用于句首句首或或句末句末It will take days by car, so lets fly instead.The young man couldnt afford a car. Instead, he bought a used one.be tired ofbe sick ofbe bored withbe fed up withbe fond ofbe tired from/with.因因而劳而劳累累We (厌烦厌烦)waiting for him to call.Your mother will never you, even if she may cooking.tell tell 1) 1)知道,看出,认出知道,看出,认出;2) 2)识别,辨别,分辨识别,辨别,分辨From his accent, we could tell that Tom comes from England.How can you tell a fake Coach handbag from a real thing?tell sb./sth. aparttellertellingGrammarTasks:Tasks:to-VV-ingto-V&V-ing做主语时的区别做主语时的区别B1M2 Grammar 回顾复习回顾复习to-V.中的中的to和某些固定搭配中的和某些固定搭配中的toto-V. 不定式可做的句子成分:不定式可做的句子成分:To see is to believe.I want to eat something.To finish my homework in time, I didnt go out to play.With a lot of work to do, he was unable to go home.The building to be finished in 2016 will be the tallest.注:注:1.to-V做做带有宾补的宾语带有宾补的宾语时时As he grew older, he found it more difficult to compose.He made it possible for everyone to use the Internet.2. to-V不定式做不定式做主语主语时时It will take days to get there by car. Lets fly, instead.V-ingV-ing可做的句子成分可做的句子成分: :Seeing is believing.Even some students admit liking her.Many Chinese living in foreign countries still observe the traditional customs.Seeing them leave, Mary felt very sad.With the old man leading the way, we got there in time.注:注:1.allow advice permit forbid2. 某些固定句型某些固定句型Its no use(good) crying over(for) the spilt milk.Its useless speaking without doing.to-V&V-ingto-V&V-ing做主语时的区别做主语时的区别1. (get) there by bike will take us one hour.2. (teach) th three children is my job this afternoon.总结:总结: to-V做主语指未完成的事情,含将来做主语指未完成的事情,含将来B1M2 Grammar 回顾复习回顾复习1.哪些动词后面只能跟哪些动词后面只能跟to-V做宾语做宾语2.哪些动词后面只能跟哪些动词后面只能跟V-ing做宾语做宾语3.哪些动词后面均可跟哪些动词后面均可跟to-V & V-ing做宾做宾语,但含义不同语,但含义不同注:注:to-V.to-V.中的中的to to和某些固定搭配中的和某些固定搭配中的to tolook forward toused tobelong tobe suppoesd tobe used tobe expected tocontribute tostick toadd.to.be related tothe access/approach to lead torefer toturn to小注:小注:需要需要-need require wantbe worth doing/ be worthy of being done Its worthwhile to do Revision这是西班牙毕加索的一幅画,他被这是西班牙毕加索的一幅画,他被认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的画家。认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的画家。立体派画家所画的内容为物体和人立体派画家所画的内容为物体和人物,画面同时展现出物体或人物的物,画面同时展现出物体或人物的不同方面。不同方面。波普艺术是一个重要的现代艺术流波普艺术是一个重要的现代艺术流派,其旨在表现二十世纪普通的城派,其旨在表现二十世纪普通的城市生活。市生活。齐白石遵循传统的中国画风。齐白石遵循传统的中国画风。天然颜料天然颜料齐白石非常仔细地观察自然界,因此他齐白石非常仔细地观察自然界,因此他的画独树一帜。的画独树一帜。徐悲鸿认为,画家应该表现真实,而不徐悲鸿认为,画家应该表现真实,而不只是模仿。相反,一幅画应该力图表现只是模仿。相反,一幅画应该力图表现所画对象的所画对象的“神韵神韵”。徐悲鸿以生动形象的画马作品而闻名。徐悲鸿以生动形象的画马作品而闻名。我在学校学习艺术,而且我非我在学校学习艺术,而且我非常喜爱这门专业,尽管一直看常喜爱这门专业,尽管一直看画我会厌倦。画我会厌倦。我对齐白石的绘画很痴迷。我对齐白石的绘画很痴迷。我无法忍受那副有一个金发女我无法忍受那副有一个金发女孩的图画。孩的图画。我的父母非常喜欢去艺术我的父母非常喜欢去艺术馆,也经常带我去,所以馆,也经常带我去,所以我渐渐地对艺术产生了兴我渐渐地对艺术产生了兴趣。趣。我能通过画风来判断。我能通过画风来判断。一位不同寻常的画家。一位不同寻常的画家。