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    economic (adj.) /i:knmik/ 经济上的 economical /i:knmikl/实惠的,节 俭的,省钱的 economically (adv.) 在经济上,节俭地 economics (n.) /i:knmiks/ 经济学 economy (n.) /Iknmi/ 经济情况,节俭1)He was economical in all areas of his life. 2)The design is intended to use space as economically as possible.3)Its a false economy to buy cheap clothesin need 在困难中;在危急中in trouble 在困境中in order 按顺序;整齐in danger 在危险中in public 当众;公开in common 共同;共有 in debt 欠债in fact 事实上;实际上 in time 及时in peace 安静;和平 in surprise 吃惊;惊讶词语链接词语链接(1)We are collecting money for families _.(2)A friend _ is a friend indeed.(3)What? She looked at us _.(4)Dont scold your child _.He will feel very upset.(5)The Whites are _ now and so they are eager to earn more than before.即学即练即学即练in needin needin surprisein publicin debt检测练习1)She is _ (die) to go abroad.2)Children are _ (encourage) to _ (participation) in the life of their community.3)I love listening to the family _ (soft) _ (talk) to each other in their language.4)Jack who created a lot of _ (interest) stories was a very _ (imagination) writer.dyingencouragedparticipatesoftlytalkinginterestingimaginative5)Nowadays,with the _ (increase) in crime,people are much more _(concern) about their security.6)Money makes no _ (different) to him.7)This car is _ (economy) to run because it doesnt use much fuel.increaseconcerneddifferenceeconomical8)_ (politics) are busy near _ (elect) time.9)A _ (skill) technician takes years to train.10)Can I leave the _ (arrange) of the tables to you?11)It is said that he _(购买) this chemical factory.Politicianselectionskilledarrangementhas purchased12)I dont know whether he is satisfied with our _(安排)13)It was almost a _(两周) before he found his lost child14)He _(参与) all kinds of activities to improve his ability.15)It is a _(特权,优惠) for you to be sent to study in Japan.arrangementfortnightparticipatedprivilegeBook7 Unit 5 Travellingabroad Book 7 Unit 5 G1 输出词汇1. 祖国 2. vi 排队;n 队列 3. 自助食堂 4. 演讲n/v 5. n资格;资历/ adj 有资格的 6. n 准备 7. vt 推荐;建议 8. n/v 舒适;安慰 9. n/v 代替品;用代替 10. n 需要;要求 11. 文章;散文 12. n/v 草稿;草拟 13. vt 承认;答谢 14. 反驳vt 15. vt 占领;占据 16. n 道歉/ v 道歉 17. n/adj 常规;日常事务;例行的;通常的 18. 代理人;经纪人 19. adj 丰富的;充裕的 20. v统治;管理 21. 目的地 G 2输入词汇1. visa 2. shopkeeper 3. idiom 4. academic 5. tutor 6. revise/ revision 7. numb 8. autonomous 9. enterprise 10. seminar 11. videophone 12. Rugby 13. bachelor 14. minibus 15. optional 16. cage 17. bark 18. battery 19. site 20. drill 21. oilfield 22. geographical 23. parallel 24. onwards 25. inn 26. hike 27. tomb Key phrases: 1. board a plane for 登机前往某地 2. wait in a queue 在队伍中等候 3. at the student cafeteria 在学生餐厅 4. apply (to sb) for sth. 向某人申请. 5. highly recommend sth.强烈推荐 6. get used to a whole new way of life 习惯于一种新的生活方式 7. take up all your concentration 占据了你所有的注意力 8. in the beginning 起初 9. get lost 迷路,失踪 10. ask a passer-by for directions 向路人问路 11. board with 付费在某人家里膳宿 12. on the Internet 在网络上 13. hand the essay in 上交文章 14. with shock 震惊地 15. the reason for某事的理由 16. refer to(介) .提及;谈到;指的是;参考;查阅 17. lack confidence 缺乏信心18. have a balance between study and a social life 平衡学习与社会生活 19. join a club参加俱乐部 20. for now 暂时,目前 21. gain independence 获得独立 22. fit in (with)适应;融合 23. adjust to 调节,适应 24. as far as one is concerned 就而言 25. be occupied with 忙着做 26. day in and day out=day after day 日复一日 27. out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的 28. settle in (迁入新居,更换工作后)安顿下来 29. keep it up保持下去,再接再厉 1. 登机前往某地 2.在队伍中等候 3. 在学生餐厅 4. 向某人申请. 5.强烈推荐 6. 习惯于一种新的生活方式 7. 占据了你所有的注意力 8.起初 9. 迷路,失踪 10. 向路人问路 11.付费在某人家里膳宿 12. 在网络上 13. 上交文章14. 震惊地 15. 某事的理由 16. 提及;谈到;指的是;参考;查阅 17. 缺乏信心18. 平衡学习与社会生活 19. 参加俱乐部 20. 暂时,目前 21. 获得独立 22. 适应;融合 23.调节,适应 24. 就而言 25.忙着做 26. 日复一日 27. 不可能的;不值得讨论的 28.(迁入新居,更换工作后)安顿下来 29. 保持下去,再接再厉 1.keepitup保持优秀成绩;继续干下去保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 eg:Keepitup,andyouwillsucceedinthisfield. keepup保持保持 keepupwith跟上跟上 keepintouchwith与与保持联系保持联系 keepawayfrom避开;不接近避开;不接近 keep.fromdoing阻止阻止做某事做某事 1)Excellentwork,Cripps-_. 2)Walkingaloneinthedark,theboywhistledto_hiscourage. 2. fit in 观察fit in在下列句子中的含义及用法。 (1). The shelf is too small for big books to fit in. (2). The information does not fit in with what I was told yesterday. (3). The new boy fitted in well with his roommates. fitin意为意为“相适应;相融合相适应;相融合”(句(句1),后常与介词),后常与介词with连用,构成短语:连用,构成短语:fitinwithsth.与某物一致与某物一致(句(句2);fitinwithsb.与某人相处融洽与某人相处融洽(句(句3)。)。 1. Hes never done this type of work before; Im not sure if hell _ _. 2. This piece of evidence does not _ _ that of the other witness. 3. preparationn.准备准备preparev.使有准备使有准备e.g. He didnt do any preparation for this exam, so he failed.他考试前没做任何准备, 所以不及格。 (be)preparedforsth./todosth.为某事做好准为某事做好准备备 makepreparationsforsth./todosth.为某为某事做准备事做准备 beinpreparation在准备中在准备中 preparetodosth.准备去做某事准备去做某事 1).He packed his bag _ _ _ the journey. 2).Mother is _ us a meal. We may wash our hands and _ _the meal. 4. recommend 观察 recommend在下列句子中的词性、含义及用法。 1. Can you recommend a good hotel? 2. I can recommend these poems as some of the most moving that I have read this year. 3. The committee recommended raising the age to twenty-one. 4. This is a very good dictio


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