1260.A多孔软管压力分布特性实验研究 毕业论文.doc
多孔软管压力分布特性实验研究XXX大学毕业论文题目:多孔软管压力分布特性实验研究 学 院: 水利建筑工程学院 专 业: 农业水利工程 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 完成日期: 目 录摘要一、前言1.1课题来源及研究的目的和意义.11.2多孔软管的研究现状.2二、多孔软管简述2.1 多孔管类型.42.2 多孔管开孔方式.42.3 多孔管流动机理.4 2.4 多孔管流动机理影响因素分析.5三、实验装置、实验方法及实验数据分析3.1实验研究内容.63.1.1沿程压力的测量.63.2实验装置.73.3实验方法.73.4实验中应注意事项.83.5试验数据处理及结果分析.8 3.5.1坡度对多孔管沿程压力分布的影响.8 3.5.2首端压强对多孔管沿程压力分布的影响.103.5.3孔距对多孔管沿程压力分布的影响.113.5.4管长对多孔管沿程压力分布的影响.11四、多孔软管压力分布特性的理论分析4.1 压力分布特性的理论分析.134.2实验验证.16五、结论. 17六、致谢.19七、参考文献.20摘 要在农业、化工、电力等领域中,往往需要一种均匀分布流体的装置,多孔管就是典型的将主流经侧壁小孔,沿轴向流道均匀地流出的分配装置,如径向催化反应器分布器、流化床多管式气流分布器、板式换热器、锅炉的送风管和集箱等。由于多孔管的广泛应用及其重要性,说明了它具有一定的研究价值,本文主要对多孔软管压力分布特性作简单介绍。本次试验主要是研究多孔管沿程压力分布规律,分别研究了坡度,首端压强,孔距及管长对多孔管沿程压力分布规律的影响。沿多孔软管每隔一定距离装置一个侧压管,通过读取侧压管读数来获得沿程压力。其中主要是通过让其他参数不变,只让坡度,首端压强,孔距,管长中一个参数发生变化的方法来进行试验。通过试验,分析实验结果得出结论如下:(1)平坡时,多孔软管沿程压力由首端到末端逐渐减小;顺坡时,随着坡度的增大,起始端压力逐渐减小,末端压力逐逐增大 ,坡度达到一定大时,末端压力大于首端压力,软管沿程压力逐渐增大;逆坡时,压力也是沿程逐渐减小,相比平坡,软管首端压力更大,末端更小,变化更明显。且逆坡越大,软管沿程压力减小的越快。(2)随首端压强的增大,多孔软管沿程压力均增大,且沿程压力的增大程度大致相同,从起始端到末端的压力变化趋势更小,即使其压力分更均匀。(3)多孔软管的孔距越大,多孔软管沿程压力就越大,这是因为孔距增大,开孔率减小,导致多孔管内压力急剧升高。而孔距的越大,压力的分布就越均匀。(4)随管长的减小,多孔管的沿程压力增大,当管长减小到一定时,多孔管的沿程压力急剧升高,这是由于管长变小,孔距不变,导致出水孔减少,出水量急剧减小,而管道进水量不变,进口水的压力不变,所以导致管道沿程压力急剧升高;对其分布规律的影响:多孔管越短,其压力分布就越均匀。关键词:多孔软管 侧压管 流体 分配装置 压力分布 坡度 首端压强AbstractIn the chemical, electrical, ventilation, and other fields, often requires a uniform distribution of fluid devices, perforated pipe is a typical mainstream of the wall will be small holes along the axial flow evenly out of the distribution of devices, such as radial reaction For distribution, fluidized bed multi-tube air distribution, plate heat exchanger, the air supply of the boiler and set me, and so on. Because of the extensive application of porous and importance that it has a value of research, this paper on the distribution of porous pressure hose for a brief introduction. The pilot study is perforated pipe along the distribution of pressure, respectively, on a slope, the first-pressure, Kongju and the ministers of the perforated pipe along the pressure on the distribution of the impact. Along the porous hose at a certain distance of a lateral pressure of the device, read by the side of the pressure readings of the pressure to get along. Let them mainly through the other parameters remain unchanged, only slope, the first-pressure, Kongju, the parameters of a change in the approach to testing. Through testing, analysis of results concluded as follows: (1)-slope, along the porous hose pressure from the first front-end decreased; Shunpo, as the slope increases, start-pressure gradually decreases, by the end of the pressure by increasing the gradient up to a certain Large, the pressure is greater than the end of the first-pressure hose along the pressure is gradually increasing; reverse slope, along the pressure is gradually decreased, compared with-slope, the first-pressure hose bigger, smaller terminal, changes More obvious. And the greater the reverse slope, reduce the pressure hose along the way sooner. (2) With the increase of first-pressure, pressure along the porous hoses are increasing, and the increasing pressure along roughly the same level, starting from the pressure of front-end trend is smaller, even if their pressure points more evenly . (3) of Kongju more porous hose, the hose along the porous greater the pressure, which is increasing because of Kongju, opening rate of decrease, leading to the porous pressure increased dramatically. Kongju and the greater the pressure more evenly distributed. (4) With the decrease of the long, porous of the increased pressure along the way, when reduced to a certain length of time, the perforated pipe along the pressure increased dramatically, it is because of the long smaller, resulting in reduced water hole , A sharp decrease of water, and water into the pipeline unchanged, imports water pressure remains unchanged, resulting in a sharp pressure along the pipeline increased its distribution of the impact: porous of the shorter, more uniform distribution of pressure.Keywords: porous hose ; side of the fluid pressure ; distri