1、胸外伤胸外伤 Incidence and mortality发生率和死亡率发生率和死亡率:8%8%92%92%Incidence proportionMortality proportion胸外伤概况胸外伤概况 胸外伤病因胸外伤病因 Penetrating trauma贯穿伤贯穿伤Blunt trauma钝挫伤钝挫伤 车祸伤车祸伤坠落伤坠落伤挤压伤挤压伤刀刺伤刀刺伤火器伤火器伤lResults from kinetic energy forceslBlast(爆破伤)(爆破伤)Pressure wave causes tissue disruptionTear blood vessels&di
2、srupt alveolar tissueDisruption of tracheobronchial treeTraumatic diaphragm rupturelCrush(Compression)(挤压伤)(挤压伤)Body is compressed between an object and a hard surfaceDirect injury of chest wall and internal structureslDeceleration(减速伤)(减速伤)Body in motion strikes a fixed objectBlunt trauma to chest
3、wallInternal structures continue in motionLigamentum Arteriosum shears aortaBlunt Trauma压力波造成组织破坏撕裂血管,破坏肺泡组织破坏气管支气管树创伤性膈肌破裂 胸外伤病理生理胸外伤病理生理lLow EnergylArrows,knives,handgunslInjury caused by direct contact and cavitationlHigh EnergylMilitary,hunting rifles&high powered hand gunslExtensive injury due
4、to high pressure cavitationPenetrating Trauma穿透伤合并损伤穿透伤合并损伤lClosed pneumothoraxlOpen pneumothorax lTension pneumothoraxlPneumomediastinumlHemothoraxlHemopneumothoraxlLaceration of vascular structures闭合性气胸开放性气胸张力性气胸气肿血胸血气胸血管损伤 lTracheobronchial tree lacerationslEsophageal lacerationslPenetrating card
5、iac injurieslPericardial tamponadelSpinal cord injurieslDiaphragm traumalIntra-abdominal penetration with associated organ injury气管支气管树裂伤食管裂伤穿透性心脏损伤心包填塞脊髓损伤膈肌损伤伤腹腔内脏器损伤 穿透伤合并损伤穿透伤合并损伤胸外伤详细分类及病理生理改变胸外伤详细分类及病理生理改变Chest wall contusions or hematomas 胸壁挫伤或血肿 Rib fractures 肋骨骨折Flail chest 连枷胸Sternal fract
6、ures 胸骨骨折Fractures of the shoulder girdle 肩胛带骨折 Injuries to the chest wall 呼吸困难呼吸疼痛通气不足捻发音胸壁反常运动 lRib Fracturesl50%of significant chest trauma cases due to blunt traumalCompressional forces flex and fracture ribs at weakest pointslRibs 1-3 requires great force to fracturelPossible underlying lung in
7、jurylRibs 4-7 are most commonly fracturedlRibs 11-12 less likely to be fracturedlTransmit energy of trauma to internal organslIf fractured,suspect liver and spleen injurylHypoventilation(肺换气不足)is COMMON due to PAINlSternal Fracture&Dislocation (胸骨骨折和错位)lAssociated with severe blunt anterior traumalD
8、irect Blow(比如:方向盘)lIncidence:5-8%lMortality:25-45%lMyocardial contusion(心肌的钝挫伤)lPericardial tamponade(心包填塞)lCardiac rupture(心脏破裂)lPulmonary contusion(肺挫伤)lDislocation uncommon but same MOI as fracturelTracheal(气管)depression if posteriorlFlail Chest(连枷胸)lSegment of the chest that becomes free to move
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- 关 键 词:
- 胸部 外伤