1、l一、前纵膈:一、前纵膈:畸胎瘤和囊肿、胸腺瘤、胸内甲状腺瘤等。l二、中纵膈:二、中纵膈:气管囊肿、心包囊肿、食管 囊肿、囊状淋巴瘤、淋巴瘤、其他部位肿瘤的转移淋巴结等。l三、后纵膈:三、后纵膈:神经源性肿瘤。l胸腺瘤是最常见的 纵膈肿瘤之一。l胸腺瘤次于畸胎瘤,占纵隔肿瘤的20左右。l胸腺瘤是纵隔、胸腺最常见的肿瘤l病理 胸腺瘤主要由淋巴、上皮细胞所构成:l上皮性(占45)l淋巴性(占25)l淋巴上皮性(30)l重症肌无力l单纯红细胞再障l获得性丙球缺乏症l系统性红斑狼疮、硬皮病、库欣综合症l压迫无各静脉或上腔静脉梗阻综合征的表现。剧烈胸痛,短期内症状迅速加重,严重刺激性咳嗽,胸腔积液所致呼
4、现坏死、囊变和钙化(放、化疗后)l有轻度到中度强化l侵犯胸膜、心包和肺组织Fig.6-9.Non-Hodgkins lymphoma.Diffusely distributed,sharply delineated lymph nodes near the floor of the mouth,the cervical perivascular sheath,and sternocleidomastod muscle.Fig.6-10.Non-Hodgkins lymphoma.The lymph nodes posterior to the internal jugular vein()mu
5、st be differentiated from the scalenus muscles(),Brachiocervica plexus Fig.6-17.Plasmocrtoma.A soft-tissUe structure is foundnear the 2nd right rib,it is located on the lung().This mass cannot be differentiated from Pancoasts tumor,especially in view of the fact that it also displays slight bone ero
6、sion.Fig.6-19.Hodgkins lymphoma with moderately enlarged,well delineated mediastinal and axilfary lymph nodes().Fig.6-12.N0n-H0dgkins lymphOma.EvidenCe Of an ex-tensive axillary lymphoma()that is mostly isodense ascompared with the surrounding muscles.Fig.6-16.Hon-Hodgkins lymphoma.Extensive mass in
7、 the upper anterior mediastinum()with clear regressive changes seen as a delineated,indistinctiy hypodense zone after contrast medium administration(),A teratoma must beconsidered in the dffferential diagnosis when an isolated mass is found.Fig.6-18.Immunocytoma.EvidenCe of a nodular,some-times conf
8、luent mass filling the entire middle mediastinum,including the hila.After contrast medium adminfstration,there is clear,non-uniform cOntrast enhancement,Fig.6-13.Anaplastic plasmocytOma.Evidence of a lymph node conglomerate in the right cardiodiaphragmatic angle().Fig.6-14.Non-Hodgkins lymphoma.Very
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- 医学 ppt 胸部 肿瘤 影像