1、l Increase revenue growth to 5% per annuml Increase operating margin from 10% to 15% by 2004l Deliver an incremental 2.7billion in operating profit by 2004Path to Growth identifies what we will do to deliver on our promises to shareholders:Provide Unilever with the platform to deliver Provide Unilev
2、er with the platform to deliver sustainable growthsustainable growthUnileverNote: Figures do not include Bestfoods100120140160180200Q4 97Q1 98Q2 98Q3 98Q4 98Q1 99Q2 99Q3 99Q4 99Q1 00Q2 00Q3 00UnileverUnileverPeer GroupPeer GroupUnilever Share Price Performance v Peer Group “Shadow”Unilever Share Pri
3、ce Performance v Peer Group “Shadow”(Based on Quarterly Average Share prices)Why do we need the Path to Growth?Why do we need the Path to Growth?The Market is concerned about our ability to execute our strategyThe Market is concerned about our ability to execute our strategyPeer Group:Beiersdorf,Avo
4、n, Cadbury, Clorox, Coca Cola, Colgate, Danone, Eridania, Gillette, Heinz, Kao, Lion, LOreal, Nestle, P&G, Philip Morris, Reckitt Benckiser, Sara Lee, Shiseido, PepsicoUnilever Share Price Performance v Peer Group “Shadow”Unilever Share Price Performance v Peer Group “Shadow” Path to Growth - 6 prim
5、ary strategic thrusts Path to Growth - 6 primary strategic thrustsWhat is our strategy for the Path to What is our strategy for the Path to Growth?Growth?lusi ng consum er i nsi ght t odel i ver superi or consum erbenef i t sla sharpl y f ocused brandport f ol i olnew , al t ernat i ve channel slsi
6、m pl i f yi ng our processesand st ruct ureldri vi ng synergi es andef f i ci enci es across t hesuppl y chai nC ent ral t o t hi s i s an Ent erpri se C ul t ure, w hi ch f ost ersl passi on f or w i nni ng l connect ed creat i vi t y l l i berat i ng ri gourI ncrease revenue grow thI ncrease reven
7、ue grow th byI ncrease operati ng m argi nI ncrease operati ng m argi n byal l ow i ng us to focus our i nvestm ent onal l ow i ng us to focus our i nvestm ent onadverti si ng and devel opm entadverti si ng and devel opm ental l ow i ng us to reduce costs andal l ow i ng us to reduce costs andi ncre
8、ase i nvestm entsi ncrease i nvestm entsWorld Class Supply ChainWe aim to: l Close the gap to world class in supply chain within Close the gap to world class in supply chain within three yearsthree yearsBy: l Establishing a Global Buying programmeEstablishing a Global Buying programmel Establishing
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