1、毕业设计题 目 110KV终端变电所电气一次部分及主变压器保护设计 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 指导教师 学 院 答辩日期 2摘 要变电所是汇集电源、升降电压和分配电力的场所,是发电厂和用户联系的中间环节。变电所按照其升降电压的不同分为升压变电所和降压变电所两大类。升压变电所是为了减少电能在运输过程中的损耗,将发电的电升压后输送到远方,这种变电所通常与发电厂联系在一起;降压变电所与负荷中心比较靠近,将高压电通过变电器转变为适合的低压电。本设计一个110KV终端变电所,首先根据各个电压等级的负荷进行计算变压器的容量,选取主变压器的台数型号及其容量等各个参数。其次根据主接线的可靠性及其运行的灵活性
2、,选择各个电压等级的的接线方式。并从经济和技术方面进行比较,选取最优接线方式。再次,根据主接线选择短路点,并画出等值网络图进行短路计算,根据各短路点计算出三相短路电流,短路容量,短路冲击电流的值。最后根据短路计算选取各个电压等级的母线,断路器,隔离开关,电流、电压互感器,避雷器,并进行校验,同时还做了变压器的继电保护;并简单的做了防雷保护。 关键词:主接线;短路电流;电气设备选择;继电保护;防雷 Abstract Power substation is pooled,and langing voloage electricity distribution sites, power paints
3、 and users linked to the intermediate links,substation in accordance with its movements into different voltage substation and Boost Substation two categories.Boost substation is to reduce the reduce the power in the transport process of loss, power plants will boost the electricity transmitted to th
4、e remote post, This substation is usually linked with the power; Substation with a load center near ,through high-voltage transtormer will be amenabie to changes in a low-votage electricity.This design is the construction of a 110 KV substations terminal buck, first of all based on the reliability o
5、f the main cable and run the flexibility to choose various voltage levels of the connection mode. And from the economic and technical aspects to compare, select the optimal connection mode. Second according to various levels of load voltage transformer to calculate the capacity to select the main tr
6、ansformer of Taiwan and its capacity, and other models various parameters. Once again, according to choose the main form of short-circuit wiring, paint and network equivalent to short-circuit, according to calculate the three-phase short circuit, short circuit current, short-circuit capacity, short-
7、circuit the impact of current value. According to select the final calculation of the various short-circuit the bus voltage, circuit breakers, switches isolation, current, voltage transformers, arresters, and check to see whether the appropriate selection of devices, and also done a transformer rela
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- 110 KV 终端 变电所 电气 一次 部分 变压器 保护 设计 毕业设计 论文