车辆工程毕业设计(论文)-比亚迪F3R手动变速器设计【全套图纸】 .doc
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1、本科学生毕业设计比亚迪F3R车型变速器设计 系部名称: 汽车工程系 专业班级: 车辆工程 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: The Graduation Design for Bachelors DegreeDesign on transmission of BYD F3R 摘 要本文设计研究了三轴式五挡手动变速器。首先,对于变速器的工作原理做了阐述,从传动机构到倒档布置方案都一一做了详细的说明,完成了换挡机构形式和轴承的选择等,特别值得一提的是在倒档的选择和布置上。因为变速箱在低档工作时作用有较大的力,所以一般变速箱的低档都布置靠近轴的后支承处。紧接着对变速器的各挡齿轮和轴做了详细的设计计算
2、,包括了档数、传动比、中心距以及各档齿轮的齿数,并且进行了强度校核,紧接着对一些标准件进行了选型,其中包括同步器、操纵机构、固定件以及密封件等等。最后进行的是齿轮、轴以及轴承的校核,其中齿轮校核包括弯曲强度和接触应力,轴校核包括强度和刚度的计算,轴承校核的则是其寿命计算,并讲述了变速器中各部件材料的选择。关键字:变速器;设计;齿轮;轴;校核ABSTRACTThis design of a three-axis five-speed manual transmission. First, the working principle of transmission are described in
3、 detail, from the transmission to reverse layout programs are all doing a detailed description, complete the form and bearing of shift the choice of institutions and so on, is particularly worth mentioning is the reverse of the on the selection and arrangement. Because the role of transmission in lo
4、w-grade work, a greater force, it is generally low-grade gearbox are arranged near the support at the rear axle. Then each block of the transmission gears and shafts made a detailed design calculations, including the gears, transmission ratio, center distance and the number of teeth of the gear prof
5、ile and strength check carried out, followed by a number of standard parts were selected type, including synchronization, control mechanism, fixed fittings and seals and so on. Finally, the gear, shaft and bearing checking, checking gear which includes bending strength and contact stress, axial stre
6、ngth and rigidity checking, including the calculation of the bearing checking is its life span, and about each transmission component materials of choice. . Keywords : Transmission; Design; Gear; Axis;CheckingII目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII第1章 绪 论11.1选题的背景11.2 设计目的及意义21.3 国内外研究现状21.3.1 国内研究现状21.3.2 国外研究现状31.4 设
7、计主要内容3第 2 章 变速器总体方案设计52.1 设计初始数据52.2 变速器设计应满足的基本要求52.3 传动机构布置方案分析62.3.1两轴式变速器和中间轴式变速器的特点分析62.3.2 倒挡布置方案62.3.3 其他问题72.4各档齿轮位置安排72.5变速器齿轮形式与自动脱档分析82.5.1齿轮形式82.5.2变速器自动脱档分析92.6换挡机构形式92.7本章小结10第3章 变速器主要参数设计123.1 挡数的选择和确定123.2 各档传动比的确定123.2.1主减速器传动比123.2.2最低档传动比计算133.2.3 各档传动比143.2.4初选中心距143.2.5变速器的外形尺寸1
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